My week in grainy iPhone pictures

I’m about 95 from done with the book I’m reading and have reserved today for writing mostly non-bloggy things (I’ve started submitting work again, but more on that as the rejection letters start trickling in.) Instead, you fine people get a summary of my week in iPhone pictures because I am lazy, but understand the necessity of generating new content on a semi-regular schedule.


Libby scams on my pizza during D&D.


Mark Bittman’s broccoli soup , complete with sourdough ears.


This is might look a little like abandoning the very last of my sartorial principles, but in my defense I had an ass-load of work to do Tuesday and no intention of leaving the apartment except to walk Bagel or go to dance class. 


According to my phone, Wednesday did not happen this week.


I maintained a considerable amount of self-control at the library book sale.


I sent this picture to my twin brother around 10 pm and he responded with the spider-face woman and a polite request that I fuck off. He loves me.

Which brings us to today:

This is the most “dressed” I’ve probably been all week and I spent it at the grocery store.

So there it is. Exciting, no?

4 thoughts on “My week in grainy iPhone pictures

  1. love the grainy pictures (seriously!) ❤ I read the god of small things and it's amazing! ❤
    Instagram: the_ch1ara

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